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Solar PV Power Plant

By utilizing PV solar cells, home or business owners are able to generate electricity from sunlight, 省钱,减少十大赌博靠谱网站平台在这个星球上的碳足迹,从而为拯救地球尽自己的一份力量. 这种十大赌博靠谱网站平台产生的能量被用来抵消或取代通常从公用事业公司购买的电力.
Most of the systems installed in the Urban areas are Grid Tie system, As the name suggests, 在逆变器的帮助下,业主房屋的电力负荷在十大赌博靠谱网站平台光伏系统和电网之间共享. 只有当家庭用电量超过光伏系统容量时,才会从电网获取电力.
离网十大赌博靠谱网站平台系统是指与公用事业公司的电网没有连接的系统. This type of installation requires a charge-controller, a bank of batteries and in most cases an inverter, so that electric power requirements can be met at night or during cloudy conditions
A typical solar panel of 330Wp will measure about 21 square feet. Depending on installation factors, 所需的屋顶空间的平方英尺将略大于面板的面积. Based on your information, once our engineering department has determined the required angle, shading factors, etc. we can give you a more accurate number.
A PV system is made up of different components. These include PV modules (groups of PV cells), which are commonly called PV panels; one or more batteries; a charge regulator or controller for a stand-alone system; an inverter for a utility-grid-connected system and when alternating current (ac) rather than direct current (dc) is required; wiring; and mounting hardware or a framework.
People decide to buy solar energy systems for a variety of reasons. For example, 有些人购买十大赌博靠谱网站平台产品是为了保护地球有限的化石燃料资源,减少空气污染. 其他人宁愿把钱花在自己的财产上的发电系统上. 有些人喜欢减少从配电公司购买电量的安全性, 因为这让他们不那么容易受到未来电价上涨的影响.
它可以安装在:屋顶,建筑露台,露天场地,朝南的阳台上. There should be no shadowing.
The government offers:-
For commercial (income generating) buildings: No subsidy.

Solar Water Heaters

十大赌博靠谱网站平台热水器是一种为住宅、商业提供热水的设备 & industrial purpose using solar energy. 它通常安装在露台或有阳光的地方,白天加热水,储存在绝缘储罐中,以备需要时使用,包括早晨.
一种十大赌博靠谱网站平台热水器包括一组利用十大赌博靠谱网站平台的十大赌博靠谱网站平台集热器和一个储存热水的绝缘水箱. Both are connected to each other. During the day time, 十大赌博靠谱网站平台集热器中的水通过泵送或热虹吸原理自动加热到储罐. Hot water then stored in the tank can be used for various applications.
Two types of Solar Water Heaters are available; one based on flat plate collectors and the other based on evacuated tube collectors. Flat plate collector (FPC) based systems are made of copper tube and copper fins, whereas ETCs are made of glass tubes with vacuum in between two tubes.
Both these systems are available with and without heat exchanger. They can also work with and without pump. 没有泵的系统称为热虹吸系统,有泵的系统称为强制循环系统.
Capacity Suitable number of people 100 2 200 4 250 5 300 6 500 10
ETC based systems are cheaper than FPC based system. 它们在寒冷的地区表现更好,在零度以下的温度下避免结冰问题. 基于FPC的系统在零下温度下也能很好地使用防冻液,但成本会增加. In other regions, both perform equally well. Systems working on thermosyphon principle are simple and relatively inexpensive. They are suitable for domestic and small institutional applications, provided water quality is good and it doesn’t have large chlorine contents. 强制循环系统通常优选于工业或大型机构. At places where water is hard and have larger chlorine content, if FPC based system is being installed, 它必须与热交换器,因为它将避免水垢沉积在十大赌博靠谱网站平台集热器的铜管中,这可能会阻碍水的流动,并降低其热量 performance. 基于ETC的系统不会阻塞水流,但由于玻璃管内表面的盐含量沉积,其性能可能会下降, which could be cleaned easily once in a year or so.
一个适合2-3人使用的100升/天的系统,一年可以节省1500单位的电力, depending on hot water used. 除了减少大气中的温室气体排放外,它还可以在使用燃油锅炉的企业中节省约140升柴油. 更高容量的系统将节省更多的电力/燃料油,同时减少更多的温室气体排放. 电力价格昂贵,而且由于许多地区在需要加热水时停电而无法使用. Solar Water Heater, since it stores hot water in an insulated tank, provides water all the time when required. Fuel oil is also expensive and creates pollution. 将燃料油储存在商业场所长期使用是另一个问题.
On cloudy days also, if it is for a day or two, 你仍然会得到温暖的水因为水被加热由于大气中可用的扩散辐射. The system, however, 是否连接到屋内的电动间歇泉,或在系统的储水箱中提供备用电源,当水不够热时,备用电源就会打开. So, you get hot water all the time even on rainy days.
家用十大赌博靠谱网站平台热水系统不需要大量的维护要求. Occasional leakages in the plumbing could be easily repaired by common plumbers. 如果水质较硬,多年后收集器内可能会形成水垢沉积. This may require de-scaling with acids for which it is best to contact the suppliers. Broken glass may also have to be replaced by the suppliers. If outside exposed surfaces are painted, the paint may have to be redone every 2-3 years to prevent corrosion of the surfaces.
它可以安装在:屋顶,建筑露台,露天场地,朝南的阳台上. There should be no shadowing. You said that the hot water will be available for 300-325 days in year. How about the rest of the days? 每间污水处理厂均可额外加装电加热器辅助后备供暖系统.
No, currently, the Government Does Not Provide any subsidy on Solar Water Heater.


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